Doughnut # recepi no 1🍩🍩

So hello everyone lots of people love doughnut so I am gonna to teach you how to make doughnut. 1 . You need half cup of milk add vinager to the milk. 2. 1 cup of corn flour, pinch of baking powder,pinch of baking soda,1 cup of sugar 3. Need the mixture with vinager milkContinue reading “Doughnut # recepi no 1🍩🍩”

History and culture of India

So NAMESTE everyone as you can see in yesterday’s bolg at my first blog were I introduce myself and today I am going to introduce my India. The History of India covers thousands of years and discusses many diverse languages, cultures, periods, and dynasties.Indian civilization began in the Indus Valley . The Mature Indus civilizationContinue reading “History and culture of India”

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